Thursday, July 9, 2015

Al-Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayka Book 1 - Introduction

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Some notes from an arabic class's videos.

The class's using the book "Al-Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayka", 2002-2007 edition. We, in Indonesia, nowadays are using the 2012 edition. So to make it easier, I'll try also to explain and give some notes when there's difference between those two editions. إن شاء الله.

The book can be downloaded from:


And for the audios (but actually it is not too important, since Al-Mudarris will read and explain the articles), can be downloaded here:


Title: Al-Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk by Ustadh Abdul-Karim - Introduction

Summary: in this video, the teacher - - is explaining why Arabic is very important for every moslem. 

"First of all, we have to know the importances of Arabic Language. Every subject that you want to learn you have to know first of all, what is ruling, is it compulsory to learn, is it recommended, and so on...
Allah سبحانه وتعالى said in the Quran,   

حمٓ ١ وَٱلۡكِتَٰبِ ٱلۡمُبِينِ ٢ إِنَّا جَعَلۡنَٰهُ قُرۡءَٰنًا عَرَبِيّٗا
لَّعَلَّكُمۡ تَعۡقِلُونَ ٣

After saying "Haa miim" --and "Haa miim", we found  a lot in Quran like Alif Laam Miim..., Ibnu Katsir said that these letters' meaning are only known by Allah سبحانه وتعالى--

Allah سبحانه وتعالى said, "Verily, we have made it in Arabic that you might be able to understand it..." In clear Arabic Language...   

Also the scholar of Islam, Ibnu Taimiyyah رحمه الله, said that it is compulsory to learn... Learning arabic is fard... As he said, 

 ...إن اللغة العربية من الدين
ومعرفتها فرض واجب
  فإن فهم الكتاب والسنة فرض
ولا يفهم إلا باللغة العربية
وما لا يتم الواجب إلا به
فهو واجب

Syekh Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah  رحمه الله said, "Indeed, the Arabic language is a part of the religion. And knowing Arabic language is fardhun wajib, compulsory for a person to learn Arabic Language, because the understanding of Alquran and Sunnah is wajib, fard, you have to understand Alquran and Sunnah, what Allah wants from you, what Allah wants you to do, and the messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said also.. And it is not possible to learn this Alquran and Sunnah only by Arabic. You will not get the totally understanding of Alquran and Sunnah if not with Arabic. So that's why the Arabic is wajib. 

So Arabic is compulsory, because learning Alquran and the Sunnah is compulsory, you cannot understand it in a good way, but only in Arabic Language. There is no way to understand Alquran and Sunnah..., only with the Arabic Language. 

And Allah سبحانه وتعالى has chosen this language to be the language of His last book and His last messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. 

Learning the Arabic Language, the Scholars said, has a lot of benefits. From these benefits is, that is to protect you with Allah's will, from falling in dealts in your religion and also from in falling in innovations... None...

Imam Syafi'i said, 

ما جهل الناس ولا اختلف إلا لتركهم لسان العرب

The people didn't fall in ignorance and disputes and they didn't differ among themselves only because they left the arabic language, they left lisanul arab... 

You see the people that are falling in arguments each other, and disputes, that's because they're leak in understanding arabic language, that's cause them to have problems to understanding the dien. 

Also Hasan al-Bashri said about people who are innovating in religion, 

 أهلكتهم االعجمى 

"They've been distroyed by their non-arabic tangue"

Because they wanted to understand Alquran and Sunnah, but not in Arabic Language. It is not properly to understand Alquran and Sunnah. 

But, understanding Alquran and Sunnah in arabic is not enough, but we have to understand it in the way as-sahabah  رضي الله عنهم understood it. They were the best people in understanding Alquran and Sunnah after The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم

Also, understanding The Arabic Language helps you increasing your understanding of the religion. Imam Syatibi rahimahullah said,

  فإذا فرضنا مبتدنا في فهم العربية فهو مبتدئ في فهم الشريعة
أو متوسطا فهو متوسط في فهم الشريعة
والمتوصط لم يبلغ درجة النهاية
فإن اتهى إلى درجة الغاية في العربية كان كذلك في الشريعة

This is very important... Imam Syatibi rahimahullah, one of the scholars of the past of Andalus, in his book "Al-Muwafaqaat, the 4th volume page 115", he said that if we have a beginner in Arabic language, he is automatically also a beginner in understanding the syariah, the religion of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, if we have a person that is at the middle level of understanding arabic, he is automatically also in the middle of undertanding syariah. If we have a person at the top level in understanding arabic, he is also at the top level in understanding syariat." 

You cannot be at the top of understanding syariah, if you are a beginner in arabic language. You cannot be a scholar while you cannot speak arabic. 

The scholars of Islam in the book of Ushulul Fiqh, when they mention the mujtahid, highest level of scholars, the one does the ijtihad, he gives fatawa, he is not the muqallid... One of the conditions to be a mujtahid is understanding arabic..."

The rest... The teacher, Ust. Abdul Karim حفظه الله said some reasons why the class has choosen the Al-Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayka:

- The book was written by 3 doctors, specialists in Arabic-Language
- The book is being used in over 70 universities in the world
- The book presents grammar step by step, so it is good for the beginner in learning the language.

### Cipayung, July 10th 2015

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